Commercial call recorded in Mexico in 2018 as part of National Geographic's Explorers outreach campaign. Our researcher Leo Lanna participates as one of the representatives of the National Geographic Society's community of explorers in Latin America. The call was aired in 2019 throughout Latin America, on National Geographic and NatGeo Wild channels, and their online platforms.
Blog post sharing details of Session 11 of TED2022 world conference - A New Era. In this session we presented our TED Talk, along with personalities such as filmmaker and actress Bryce Dallas Howard, Buddhist monk Mingyur Rinpoche and billionaire Elon Musk. The session's theme was "Awe" and the presentation on the nocturnal Amazon and its diversity was one of the highlights of the day.
Interview from 2022 with our founder and director Leo Lanna, who shares details about the latest expeditions in the Amazon and the search for innovation in the study of mantises in tropical rainforests. Leo talks about the importance of combining science and art in cutting-edge research, which is revealing natural history secrets of insects and driving Projeto Mantis forward.
Interview with Fernanda Ezabella reporting in rich details Projeto Mantis' work in tropical rainforests. Leo and Lvcas did the interview during TED 2022 global conference, reporting the emotion of bringing the Amazon to such an important audience, the challenges of working at night and the endless fascination for the biodiversity that lives in the rainforest.
Interview to Jessica Stewart focusing on the expedition Amazon from Dusk to Dawn. Leo Lanna shares the challenges and wonders of night work in the Amazon, a megabiodiverse forest, and details the innovative techniques they used and how they led the expedition. Leo also talks about key discoveries made during the fieldwork. Posted on My Modern Met in 2022.
Article about the new species of the genus Vates discovered by our team. The new species had specimens from Museu Nacional for its description, including only two females, both collected in the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro - one, from the Museum, was collected in 1935, and the other, in 2018, by our former advisor. Article by Hugo Limarque, published in 2018 in O Globo online and in print.
Article that brought the first footage of the very rare Brazilian dragon mantis, made by our team during the Mantis Expedition, funded by National Geographic. The article reports the finding, the rarity and the dicoveries from this encounter. Article by Nadia Drake with footage by our researcher Leo Lanna. Aired on National Geographic's website and social media in multiple languages around the world in 2018.
Last text of a series of nine blogs written by our director Leo Lanna about the experience lived in the Amazon during :Austral expedition, in 2021. "Science that Echoes" is an intimate account of Projeto Mantis work before, during and after the field stage, revealing the challenges, the achieved results and the next steps of the journey.
Journalist Suzana Camargo interviews Leo and Lvcas before traveling to Canada for TED 2022 world event. The duo shared their expectations, explained a little about the process that led them to be selected and the theme they were going to present. In the headline, the article reinforces some important names of the event, such as Bill Gates and Al Agore, who spoke on the same stage as them.
In the premiere episode of Globo Repórter 2021, we are introduced to the mysteries and riches of Tijuca National Park, in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. As one of the most successful reforestation projects in the world, this stretch of Atlantic Rainforest is home to an incredible biodiversity. Our team shows some of the nocturnal inhabitants that can be seen in the forest, including the fantastic praying mantises.
From a selective process searching for ideas that are worth spreading, our team was selected to present a TED Talk at the 2022 world conference in Vancouver. Entitled "A New Era", the conference brings together artists, scientists, philosophers, writers, among other professionals from multiple areas whose ideas and projects are capable of inspiring new futures.
There is no such thing as uninteresting science. In a beautiful essay from 2021 on the relationship between design and science, our Art Director Lvcas Fiat exposes the creative potential from nature and how it is possible to unite both areas in an immersive way. Scientific outreach, marketing, art and research converge in the quest to communicate and engage people with the Amazon and other ecosystems.
Article by Pedro Peloso produced directly from the field, during our Amazon from Dusk to Dawn expedition, in 2021. Together with Pedro and other fantastic scientists, storytellers, researchers and artists, we used technologies in a creative way to explore new possibilities of observing the nocturnal fauna of the largest and richest tropical rainforest in the world. The results were promising, full of science, art and stories.
Invited by one of the greatest science journalists in Brazil, our team presented a workshop on scientific communication at the Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino. We shared a case study on the oureach of Vates phoenix species discovery, illustrating Sônia's important and necessary stories about the power of knowledge to face obscurantism.
Participation of our team in the amazing documentary Brasil Selvagem, a series by Cristian Dimitrius. Our work is presented in the context of an expedition to Ilha Grande, where the Atlantic Rainforest meets the sea and several incredible beings can be seen, including praying mantises. With beautiful footage by César Leite and Bruna Lucheze, the work of night searches is portrayed as never before.
Video about the incredible encounter with a series of newborn praying mantises in the Peruvian Amazon, during Expedition Mabán, in 2019. The little Angela had a ghostly appearance in the middle of the mysterious night in the forest, arousing curiosity for their whitish colours and erratic movement.
Article on the findings of the Mantis Expedition, including a possible new species of the unicorn mantis of the genus Zoolea . The expedition recorded new species of mantis and produced a modern panorama of Rio de Janeiro's Atlantic Rainforest. Douglas Main's article with photos of our team, published on the National Geographic website and social media in multiple languages around the world, in 2019.